Нормативна база
ВС на експорт для забою великої рогатої худоби з України до Республіки Лівія
ORIGINAL / COPY Total number of copies issued / 6i0)auu.v Koniü
1.1 The name and address of the consignor / Ha36a ma aDpeca |
1.5 Certificate N! ./' Ne |
VETERINARY CERTIFICATE for export of slaughter cattle from Ukraine to Libya BETEP1fHAPHP11i CEPTPIØIICA T na ejccnopn pozajnoi xy00öu c)nn 3aö010 3 YKpaiuu Do JIi6ii |
1.2 The name and address of the consignee / Fla3(3a ma aDpeca ompzmty:caya |
1.3 Means of transport (the of the railway carriage, truck, container, flight-number, name of the ship) / Tpaucnopmuuü 3110iö (Ng (46tnov06iJIA, Koumeünepa, peüc nitncuca, na36a cyÖna) |
1.6 Country of origin / Kpalna noxoc)oycennn |
1.7 The competent authority of the exporting country/ ICo.Atnetnentnnuü opaau lcpaluu-e;ccnopmepa |
1.8 The certificate was issued by / Ycmano€a, cepmuqbbcam |
1.4 Transit countries / ICpai)1t1 mpahi3umy |
1.9 The border inspection point of Ukraine/ nepemuny KopDouy Yicpainu |
Type / BHA |
Breed / flop0Åa |
Sex / CTaTb |
Age / Birc |
Identification number /
Weight / Bara |
When transporting more than 5 animals the description that is signed by the state veterinarian of the exporting country and is an integral part of this certificate. / Tlpu nepe'6C'3éii)1i 61.0b?ae 5 niéjapuu Jlinupe.'»t i C He?ßic) 'CMHO/O ()unozo ceptnu4iKütna.
3.1 Administrative-territorial unit of the exporting country/ ALIMiHicTpaTHBHo-Tep%iTopiaJ1bHa lcpafHHeKcnoprepa.
3.2 Place and period of quarantine /Micue Ta nepi0J1 KapaHTHHYBaHHfl
Certificate Ng /
- Animals exported from Ukraine are not more than 24 months of age, clinically healthy, born and raised in Ukraine, not vaccinated against brucellosis, foot and mouth disease, leptospirosis and originate from farms and administrative territories, free from infectious animal disease, including: / T6ap11Hu, zgo e;ccnopmyombcn 3 YR-painu, 6iKOM Do 24 Micnuiß, KiliHiqno nap000/ceui i oupcnueni 6 YKpaiHi, ne 6aK11UH06c7Hi npomu 6pyue.üb03Y, nuøpy, nenmocni1903Y i (3uxoDf1tnb 3 eocnoöapcmc; i ac)MiHicmpamugnux mepumopiü, (3iJlbuux 6i0 3apc13uu-r x60p06 mgapun, y mo.uy q ucjli.• bovine spongiform encephalopathy — in accordance with requirements of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code
/ Fy6i€onoDi6H0i enweqbcuonumil €eT111R0i poeamol xy000u — 6iön06iDH0 Do K00excy 3C)0P06 n na-se,wtux Di6apuH Bcec6imm,ol opeani3171fil oxopouu 30406 'h (MEb) • foot-and-mouth disease — during the last 12 months on the territory of the country or zones, acknowledged by the ocmannix 12 MicA?/i6 Ha mepumopil Rpt7iH11 a60 30/111, 6ü3Hanoi IVfiRHapoc)Hu.u eni300m11 t1hil(Nf t<nopo; contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, vesicular stomatitis — during the last 12 months on the territory of the country; / R0htnaei03Hor cmo.Mamumy -- ocmannix 12 Micauig Ha mepumopii ;cpalyu,• leucosis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, rabies during the last 12 months at the farm; / neüK03Y, my6epKYJ1b03Y, öpyueJ1b(D3Y' 6enuR0/ poeamoi xyÖoüu, cjcagy - npom;æo.vt ocmanuix 12 Mie;ll/ie y eocnoc)apcmai,• anthrax, infectious pleuropneumonia during the last 6 months at the farm; / cu6ipcu, incPejcuiÜH0i nneoponne€•uonii — npomneo.&t ocjnanuix 6 micfilfiß y paratuberculosis — during the last 6 months on the farm; / napaD1.y6epK)'J1b03Y — PiPODiA20M octnaunix 6 MicA?/i6 y eocnoÖapc1?i6i.
the country is free from rinderpest. / tnepumopin Rpainu Gi!lbua GiD tuyjuu BPX.
the zones and administrative territories are free from bluetongue and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis./ 30HU ma aöMiHic/npatnu(3Hi mepumopii 6iF1bHi 6ic) Cvtymctuzy ma punompctxeimy BPX.
- Animals have not been fed with feeds of animal origin, during production of which internal organs and tissues from ruminants were used. / T6apuuu He noxoDoæeHHR, npu gueotnot3.neHHi RKUX Gitympiullli opeauu i Ih/€auuuu 0+eyüH?1.Y maapuu.
- Animals that are exported from Ukraine, before submitting refrain in special quarantine bases of the exporting country not less 21 days. During the quarantine, the animals were subjected to clinical inspection by the head with daily thermometry diagnostic investigation in the official veterinary laboratory methods approved in the exporting country to produce negative results (specify method and date of study): / Tgapuuu, up em•cnopmyo/ilbcst 3 YKpainu, nepeö 6iöii1Dü6K0/0 vtnpwvdyocl.ljue'/l na cne11iaübHILY 6013ax Kpainu-eæcnopmepa ne .,vtenzue 21 DHA. IliD wac 1?i6c-zpunu not0J106uo.uy Küiui%HOM.v 3i Igoc)eHH0/0 mepM0-uempi€m-),
c)iaeuocmuqnzctu e oc/9i%iüHiü c;emepunapniü na(50pamopii .uetncn.)auu, npuilHfimu.uu 6 Rpaihli-occnopmepi 3 pesv.'lbtnamiß (f3Rc73amu .,vtemoö ma c)amy c)ocniÖ0/cehib):
Tuberculosis (intraeutaneous tuberculin test) /
Ty6epKYJ1b03 (BHYTPi111HbOL11KiPYlHl% TY6ePKYJliHOBHfi Tect): (dale/Öama)
Leucosis (
Brucellosis (conjplementfixation test ) /
Bpyue.F1b03 (pecucuin 36 is-o.urweuenmy): (du/e,0ama)
- The animals prior to shiprnent were tested with negative result on leptospirosis or have been treated twice by dihydrostreptomycin. Date of first treatment date of second treatment / Ilepe0 Gil)npacnennn.u m€sapuH11 ua nenmocnipos 3 Hezamuguuu a60 noc)6iüniü 06p06%i ()eaiDpocmpenmo.Miuuuo.M. nama neptuoi 06poÜcu Dama Dpyool 061906;cu
- Animals were vaccinated against anthrax at least 15 days prior to shipment, if they were not vaccinated within
6 months prior to departure; / maapuuu campuuuoc;aui npomu cu6iPR11 ne menuze Him 3a 15 c)niG Do 8iDnpü6Ru, ARU{O ne,6ynu tgenqeni 3c1.6.uicR11i6 Do
2 of/3 3
Certificate NL) / CepT1d(bixaT Ne
- Animals that have been selected for export before submitting subjected to preventive deworming treatment and against ectoparasites in time to ensure the release of the body from the remnants of the drug. / Teapunu, RKi 6iöi6pani öJ1fi ejccnopmy, nepeö niöc)aganacn npod)iuajcmu tmiü DeæJ1bMinmusaifii ma 06p06%i npomu e;cmonapa3umi6 y mepMiuu, uqo 36iJlbneHRA opeani3MY Gil) gcuuuucid sacmocygauun npenapami6.
- Animals that have been selected for export were vaccinated against pasterellosis at least three days before shipment / Tgapuuu, AKi 6iöi6pani D.'IR eæcnopmy, wouaüueuuze 3a mu,yeÖe11b Do 6iÖnpa6i€u 6ynu csaK?fl1H06aui npomu nacmepeJ1b03Y.
- On the day of loading the aninlals were free from clinical signs of contagious diseases / B Denb Ditsapunu 6yyju gic) KJ1iHi%t nux 03Hc71C nepeuocuux x60p06./
- Animals for export weren't subjected to the exposure of hormonal substances / mtsapuuu He niDöc16anucn 6w1u6)' pe ti06um
- Means of transport have been treated and prepared in accordance with rules, approved in the exporting country. / Tpancnopmui 3ac06u 06p06rjeni ma nit)eomoaaeui Do npuÜunmux y jcpaini-e;ccnopmepi npadlvl.
CICIaneEIO: Done at:
(Name in capital letters, qualification and title/ 1M 'fl BC?JIHKHMH JlhepaMH, nocana)