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Travelling with your cat: import rules
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Please note that:
- Domestic cats entering Canada do not have to be quarantined.
- Canada does not require a microchip or tattoo identification for pet cats.
- Cats do not require a health certificate or import permit.
These requirements apply to:
- animals entering Canada permanently
- animals in transit through Canada on their way to a final destination
- animals entering Canada for a temporary visit
Choose the import and travel requirements option that applies to your cat.
A. My cat is coming to Canada from a country which Canada recognizes as rabies-free.
The United States of America and Mexico are not rabies-free.
List of recognized countries
- My cat is less than three months of age. (Cats less than three months of age are exempt from the import requirements.)
- My cat is three months of age or older.
B. My cat is coming to Canada from any other country.
- My cat is less than three months of age. (Cats less than three months of age are exempt from the import requirements.)
- My cat is three months of age or older.
C. My cat is a non-domestic cat.
Different import requirements apply to non-domestic cats. Please refer to the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) for more information.